Saturday, June 15, 2013

Week 2: In which I channel all my mad HGTV skills

I am pretty well in love with my new apartment. It has somehow conspired to provide opportunities for me to have several things I've always wanted but never managed, most to do with writing or reading or places to put the things I use to write or read. One of the things this place has is very deep-set windows—deep enough to sit in, much to the delight of my cats and myself alike.
This week, I decided to take the window in my office and turn it into a proper window seat. Driving around and purchasing all the needed materials took me four hours (including a stop for lunch). Actually building the window seat took an hour and a half, and I now feel like I should have my own show on HGTV.

No, seriously, look at how awesomely deep this window is.
Every window in my apartment looks just like this.
Oh, yeah. My "Before" picture. Also, you know, for insurance purposes in case I break it.

Alas, all my fun tools are in storage, because I no longer have a garage.
I had to have people at the stores cut everything to size for me.

I have SUCH loathing for staple guns. I always forget, until I'm forced to use one.
I used this for an hour straight. It's pretty much the only tool you need for this project.

"After." I didn't break anything! It looks fantastic! I love it!
I should mention, this window is situated between two bookshelves, so it's incredibly appropriate. :)

A close-up of the "seat" part.
I can safely say this is the first time I've constructed a window seat. I'm very pleased with how it turned out, and I'm frankly shocked that it took me less than two hours from start to finish. I'm a cross-stitcher and a scrapbooker; fabric isn't my scene, so I was really nervous about this one. I can't wait to spend some quality time reading on it!

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